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This is our aluminum electrical coil binding machine,the punch thickness is 300MM,can punch 11 inch (11''),US letter size and A4 size paper,this machine can punch 22 sheets of standard paper 70g,80g paper 18 sheets ,for PVC cover can punch 2 sheets;200+micron/4-8mil:1sheet ;100 -200micron/4-8mil:2sheets ,270+g/60+lb:1sheet,160-270g/40-60lb:2sheets.
CE ,ETL certification
Punch width:300MM,11 inch(11''),US letter,A4 paper
Disengagement punch pins:47
number of punch pins
Binding thickness:180sheets
Motor:230v,50Hz/120w; 110v,60Hz/120w
all aluminium construction
Punch and bind button two in one,so make you operate easily.
Rubber ring with groove make you bind easily,this rubble ring is suitable for 4:1 coil binding machine,we aslo have the rubber ring without groove,which suitable for all size of the coil you choosed.
To select the correct size coil for a document,you can use the document measure card,which stick on the baseplate.
The docuemnt measure make you to know the thickness of paper you want to punching,and do not over load the machine.
The paper holder make you to fix the paper,and you can choose the measurement you wanted.
The aluminum surface weste tray of the high capacity,can make you use it for a long time and loose your clearing time.
Seperate power socket make youe use it safely,also can increase the time of the using.
We supply the crimper without charge,make you use with out worry.
We have CEcertificate for this machine:
Technical data:
We also have other kinds of binding machine,comb binding machine,wire binding machine,multifunction binding machine and industrial binding machine.Welcome to purchase.
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