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Create Custom Dividers, for Less!
Your professionally bound book deserves equally presentable divider pages.
Consider laminating a full-color, duplex printed sheet with photos or highlighted information on it, then attaching a self-adhesive tab to further indicate a division within your book.
This process combines both pouch laminating and comb, coil or wire binding.
After printing the sheets for your book(s):
1.Place a single “divider” sheet into the appropriate sized laminating pouch.
2.Laminate the pouch according to the proper specifications for your pouch thickness indicated by your machine’s instruction manual, allowing enough of a border along the binding edge of the sheet to punch the holes without piercing the paper inside.
Using your binding machine:
1.Punch the sheets of your book, then punch the divider sheets so all the holes align properly. (It’s okay for the divider sheets to have extra plastic hanging over the unbound edges.)
2.Bind your book using the spines that match your binding machine’s punch pattern.
3.Attach self-adhering tabs to the edge of your divider sheets opposite from the bound edge.
4.Handwrite or type your tab labels, then insert them into the attached index tabs.
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